Get a jump on the holidays! Come see us Nov. 2 in Walnut Creek, CA. Details in the blog below.

Starting Stonetree

This isn’t your typical “welcome to…” message. And I’m not your typical artist — if there is such a thing.

But I’m very happy you’re here.

I want to start this relationship by telling you a little about how Stonetree Studio came to be and where our name came from, because it’s not just a combination of words that sound good together (although they do, right?). Our name comes very specifically from my lifelong love of nature.

Passion for art took root

Growing up in Walnut Creek, California, my interests in school centered on art, and I trained especially in three-dimensional forms including lost wax casting and sculpture. While I won awards for my art, I didn't see it as a field where I could make a living. It was a passion and a creative outlet. So I took my career in a different direction.

After 21 years with a major global company — the last 10 or so years managing multi-million-dollar construction projects — I left. It had stopped being satisfying or even adequate.

This was a sea change for me and my family. We made adjustments to adapt to being a one-wage-earner household, and my mind and hands immediately flew to where they’ve always found the most satisfaction: art. I was barely settled in my post-9-to-5 life, but I was already experimenting with media, color, textures, and images.

The images in my head that I longed to bring forth were of the trees, hills, beaches, trails, birds, and animals that have been my true comfort zone.

The tree that started it all

I’ve always loved weeping willows. I saw my first one as a child while on vacation with my family in Northern California, and I fell in love with it. The graceful, waving branches, the magic of hiding among them like a fairy — the willow enchanted me.

I started experimenting with wire and stone and created a willow sculpture crafted of aluminum wire “growing” out of a grouping of rocks. It’s the original “stone tree.”

More trees grew from that idea. Trees that I admired around me, like spreading oaks. Trees that brought back memories, like Monterey Pines. Trees I’ve just always loved, like the California Pepper Tree.

The vision grew

Then came jewelry, paintings, clay and wood sculptures, wall art that frames a tree in rustic wood — all rooted in my love of the natural world right around me and across the California environment.

Before long, friends and relatives saw my work and asked for several of my pieces. As I kept creating and branching out, they urged me to sell my creations online, so here I am.  And I’m happy I’m doing what I’m doing for you and all our Stonetree Studio customers.
