Get a jump on the holidays! Come see us Nov. 2 in Walnut Creek, CA. Details in the blog below.

Silver Linings at Stonetree

In November, many of us think about what we’re grateful for. We’ve tucked away the Halloween decorations and turned our thoughts to Thanksgiving and the holidays beyond. Maybe we’ve started taking stock of the year—a really complicated undertaking for 2020! And maybe we’re taking a breath and remembering to be grateful.

I’m grateful for silver linings. In my case, COVID-19 had a small silver lining. Don’t misunderstand; there is absolutely nothing good about COVID. But if you read my first blog, Starting Stonetree, you’d know that launching an e-commerce site was not in my 2020 plan. Stonetree Studio formed kind of organically—just me creating from what I love, selling to friends and family here and there, then putting a name to what I did and preparing for what felt like a big leap at the time: selling at local art fairs.

Just as I was starting to register for some local venues, the pandemic arrived. Like you, probably, I thought the shut down would last a few weeks, then a month or two, then til the end of summer. You know.

So there I was, sheltering in place, creating wire trees, sculpting with wood and clay, making jewelry, painting.... People said, “I wish you sold online.” “Can I commission something?” “Do you ship?”

Those supportive friends and family members were the inspiration for my Stonetree Studio online store. For them, and for my new customers I’ve never met, I’m very grateful.

I’m also excited about all the special creations I’m offering for the holidays: my lighted Christmas trees, nature-inspired wall art, necklaces and earrings, abstract paintings, and fun gifts like coaster and trivet sets and ornaments.

Wishing you some silver linings this holiday season.